My Tank And Fish Pictures


Fish Fanatic
Nov 26, 2006
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England Plymouth
Heres a few picture of my fish
I'm from Plymouth England,
We have a lot of fish shops around my area. Yeah the Rena media is very expensive.
It came as part of the package with my tank. If I bought the filter on it's own it would have been about £120
I got the Rena aqua 100 tank and filter and stand for £350 when it fisrt came out, but now it's become popular they have bumpped the price upto £380-£400 depends where you go. My tank is 42 uk gals, I have been trying to talk the mrs into getting a bigger tank but no luck yet.........I'll keep pushing though :rolleyes:
P.s hope you liked my dog Molly

oh thats what I was looking at but but was alittle bit pricey here in Australia .... where abouts are you from?

I ended up getting: as this filter was only $115 AUD

So far so good will prob upgrade to an external later on.

Hi fishaholic. This is Aussie1 from Brisbane. What size tank do you have? I have 140ltr and have 2 weeks ago discovered 3 mollie babies although i only have female mollies!!! Very exciting though, they are very slow growing.
cheers aussie1 (Gail) :good:

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