My Tank - 3 weeks old now


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2004
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Just thought i'd post how it's coming along, the SAE's have actually grown big enough so they can be seen.

Comments are encouraged as i'm new and learning.



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And Another, even with only 6 SAE's it's still fascinating to watch ;)

i'm going to add some bogwood (or similar) front right, when i find something i like.


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That tank is going to look amazing....considering how good it already looks!!!
Awesome work! :D

That is a beautiful tank!! very nice and clear water too! how many gallons is that??
Cheers for the comments. I was pleased with how it is establishing.

I got the SAE's from Aquajardin in a little village called Stonehouse (Gloucestershire). They've always got some in stock when i go down there. six for £10.

Mike777 it's 240 litres so about 53 Imperial gallons.
Feline said:
Cheese Specialist said:
I got some from a UK mail order company today. See
Thanks for the link! :D

But will they get "car sick" etc during transportation and become weak later on?
Course not, how do you think they get to the shops to start with? ;) Also they are packed very well. I got about 16 fish from there yesterday and they are looking fine, althoug the plec is a little quiet I see that as pretty normal!!

The SAE's look tiny in that 240 litre tank At least they'll be having a good time! What else are you looking to put in there?

I have decided on a few definates, and some maybes:

The definates are Black Mollies, Guppies & Harlequin Rasboro.

Maybes: Zebra Plec (once i have the bogwood soaked & added)

Other than that, i'm going to enjoy browsing, researching and selecting. Then i'll have to buy another when this is stocked ;)

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