My Tank !!1 is it big enuff? lots of problems


New Member
Jul 5, 2004
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My tank is 3ft by 1ft by 1ft, holds 8 x-ray tetras, 8 neons, a 2" plec, 5 small corys, an aquatic frog, 3 swordtails. is it over stocked????

it also contains 6 plastic plants, a piece of driftwood, and an ordnament. Also the lighting tube is just an ordinary light, does it have to be a special light? please help

i also need some help: if it is not overstocked i would like some info on some new fish which you could advise me to get. the more weird and whacky the better. i want something to spice up the aquarium. but it dosent have to.
I think your pushin it. Leave it dont add no more fish. I would get the plec a new home, thats just me. Your lighting should be fine if you dont have real plants. Oh ya what kinda filtration you running?
a 3x1x1 holds about 22.44 gallons. I would not put any more fish in the tank, it is full enough already. :)
As for the light, only if you have live plants would you need a special light. when you say it is just an ordinary light, do you mean a bulb (like in a lamp) or a florescent tube? It does not make a difference either way.
jimihendrex ---- i have a anquarius filter it the flow is 280 lit/hr i did hav a fluval 2 plus but though the other was better

i have a florecent tube but the lighting looks rubbish, any ideas.... oh i dont hav a backround if that helps
Yea the lightings fine, probaly looks yellow though right? Get a aguarium light bulb (blue,clear,red,whatever) that will make it look nicer. Your filter should be sufficient. Go out to the dollar store get some bristle board and make your own background. Its that easy and if u want it to last just laminate it.
yeah it looks yellow, so just buy an aquarium tube and it will be better? thanks

and i will just buy a background from the fish store
lol thats what my light makes my gravel look like, yellow! It's brand new white gravel too. But in my cichlid tank it has the same light and its nice and clear looking. Maybe its time to clean the glass under the bulb lol

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