My Swordfish Jumped Out Onto The Carpet


New Member
Apr 20, 2008
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so he jumped out of my tank and its like 4 feet from the ground and landed on the carpet. im not sure how long he was out for because i couldn't find him so i found him on the floor and picked him up and put him in the tank and he was swimming really fast at first and then he slowed down & today hes just like chilling there but hes moving slow. I just bought him the other day and he was moving around crazy before he jumped out what do you think is wrong with him & why did he jump out
why he jumped out, who knows? if he is a jumper which obviously he is then you will need a lid of some sort, hopefully he will be OK, i have had fish fall that far and be OK. if you have only had him a short time he is probably still a bit stressed with the new environment etc. give him a chance to settle in.
Sword's are great jumpers and unless you have a lid thats tight fitting then often jump out of tanks.
Even having a small hole to put food through is still enough for them to jump though (seen may timrs my self.)

it could be something else causing the fish to behave that way. If he recovered from the jumping there's probably no ill effects from jumping. How big is the tank, how long has it been set up, did you cycle it and what else is in it?
it could be something else causing the fish to behave that way. If he recovered from the jumping there's probably no ill effects from jumping. How big is the tank, how long has it been set up, did you cycle it and what else is in it?

its a 10 gallon but i only have two mollys in with it & yes i cycled it!
The tank is definitely not overstocked. I suppose the water stats are fine then?

What is he doing now? I don't know whether he was psycho before (possibly just the stress of being moved) or if he's being lazy now.
Swords are definitely jumpers- never leave them in a bucket w/o a lid either.
Swords are definitely jumpers- never leave them in a bucket w/o a lid either.

sorry. i find that funny. but then i would panic cos i would pick them up as quickly as i can and put them back in,
what are swordfish ?
The tank is definitely not overstocked. I suppose the water stats are fine then?

What is he doing now? I don't know whether he was psycho before (possibly just the stress of being moved) or if he's being lazy now.

his tail is bitten off :[ now hes at the top of the water swimming but slow
How much of his tail? Is it just the sword or is the other part damaged? Are there any white edges or greyish flaky bits on his tail? Have you noticed any white spots or slimy patches on his body?

If the tank has no salt in it you should add some. If it's just the sword and some mollies you'd be better off with salt in there.
How much of his tail? Is it just the sword or is the other part damaged? Are there any white edges or greyish flaky bits on his tail? Have you noticed any white spots or slimy patches on his body?

If the tank has no salt in it you should add some. If it's just the sword and some mollies you'd be better off with salt in there.

like the whole tale is gone! there is none of the other things you mentioned

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