My stocking plan


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
North Cornwall, UK
Though i'd post my plan for stocking my 34g tank to see if anyone had any suggestions for further additions. I was going for a south american theme, would love to cut down on the tetras and corys and get a pair of discus instead of the rams, but I don't think I have enough time to look after, and the tank might be a bit small (although it is 21" high).

Anyway, here goes:
7 Rummy nose tetras
7 Cardinal tetras
2 (pair) Rams
7 Corydoras, maybe more or less depending on the size of the variation I get.

This should be well under the 1" per gallon rule of thumb, so theoretically if I find something else I like (maybe hatchets) then they can go in too! :)

I currently have a platy and 3 danios in my tank, but they will be going when the time comes, corys in next? Bearing in mind the sensitivity of the other fish. :D
If i were you, I would stick with that for right now, because any other fish might actually crowed them, and it is going to be hard to make them all compatable. :D
i'd stay with what you have
don't get more then 7 corydoras (you don't want to crowd)
and discus need at least a 55gallon,
although some people would even consider THAT too small :crazy:
Thanks for the suggestions, I was thinking of cutting the corys down to 5. I will probably get 3 this thursday, then wait another 2 weeks and get a couple more. Then i'll give it another month before I start adding the tetras. :)

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