My Stocking. Need Help


New Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Mahtomedi, MN
So I finally now have my 30g 36"x12"x16".

I am going to be moving my community tank into this tank. With a Marineland 250 Emperor Filter.

I am looking to stock this tank:

6x Cory Cats
6X Cherry Barbs
2X German Blue Rams
2X Molly's

Is there space for anything else in everyone opinion? I was thinking to mix in a small tetra.

At the moment we have all of the above fish in the smaller tank but just a couple of each. Plus a Solo blue ram.
I'd stear clear of smaller tetras some cherry barbs can be little devils and harass smaller fish
Thanks guys for the reply's. Actually those tetras named are a couple that I was looking into. I dont have live plants in the aquarium yet. And thats good to know as I was planning on getting into the live plants at some point. My cherry barbs are pretty timid. But they dont really have anything smaller to pick on in the tank yet. So thanks for that heads up too.
I've never really heard of anyone having problems with cherry barbs tbh... They tend to be quite peaceful. So I wouldn't worry about housing them with any tetras to be honest...
I think an easier question is what WOULD you like to put in the tank?
I've never really heard of anyone having problems with cherry barbs tbh... They tend to be quite peaceful. So I wouldn't worry about housing them with any tetras to be honest...
I think an easier question is what WOULD you like to put in the tank?

Not 100% sure what I want, and what I can get my hands on. I have a very nice selection from a LFS near me to go off. Im stuck between a shoal of Buenos Aires Tetra's, Emporer Tetra's, and Serpae Tetra's. One of those will probably be my choice. I like them all though.
I think that some african clawed or african dwarf frogs would be pretty cool in your tank. along with the tetras they always got along with my tetras.

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