My Stocking Lvl


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Canada, Ontario
Just wondering whether or not people think my tank is overstocked, understocked or stocked just right.

The the tank is a 37 US Gallon with the following fish:
1 AngelFish
4 Blue Danios (I think there blue danios, all I know is there some sort of danio)
4 Black Tetras
2 Mollies
2 Clown Loaches
1 Bristle Nose Pleco
1 Sailfin Pleco
i'd say you were ok if your reliable on your water changes... I have a relativly high stocking level compared to what most recomend here though... :huh:
sorry guy -_-
your sitting at 66"+ at best in a 37gallon
i'd say IMO thats pushing your luck once everyone is full sized
usually people try to aim for 37" of fish but are ok somewhere around 45"
you do have alot of bottom feeders which helps a bit (aswell as weekly water changes), but red tailed zebra loaches can get a bit nippy when crowded or harassed, and so can clown loaches
your sailfin will get big (really big)
your looking at anywhere from 12"-20" but they usually don't get past 16"

i'd say to make the plant well planted or have lots of different caves, as much of a pain to do regular water changes with so many obstacles as it is, it will reduce aggression
but your fish are well suited for each other since they are all community with semi-aggressive potential, and they all seem to have groups

i'd almost get a second tank if i were you :nod:
it would make life alot easier on you in the long run ;)
smithrc said:
i'd say you were ok if your reliable on your water changes... I have a relativly high stocking level compared to what most recomend here though... :huh:
i'd have to agree with you on that :lol:
if you look at my aquariums in my profile, you'll see i try to keep as close to 1" of fish per gallon to keep my fish the most comfortable
(both 20gallons are sitting around 22")

but now that i see how overstocked your tanks are i'm tempted to buy a blue german ram (3") for the semi-aggressive tank and a pair of white clouds (1" x 2) for the community tank :shifty:
they'd be at 24" and 25" but i do weekly water changes and have very good filters..... hmmmmm..... :whistle:
dare i? :thumbs:

NOOO :crazy:

Pointy_kitty said:
smithrc said:
i'd say you were ok if your reliable on your water changes... I have a relativly high stocking level compared to what most recomend here though... :huh:
i'd have to agree with you on that :lol:
if you look at my aquariums in my profile, you'll see i try to keep as close to 1" of fish per gallon to keep my fish the most comfortable
(both 20gallons are sitting around 22")

but now that i see how overstocked your tanks are i'm tempted to buy a blue german ram (3") for the semi-aggressive tank and a pair of white clouds (1" x 2) for the community tank :shifty:
they'd be at 24" and 25" but i do weekly water changes and have very good filters..... hmmmmm..... :whistle:
dare i? :thumbs:

NOOO :crazy:

seriously though... most shops and sites in the uk suggest (its just that though) 1" per gallon for the first 6months until the tank has settled and matured and then 2" per gallon.

I've been using that as a rule for years (12) with no problems.... I am getting a 3rd tank soon and moving them about a bit as we do have some bigger fish now.

BUT having read more and more on here i wouldnt reccomend it to a new fish keeper - I keep an eye on the chem levels in the tank, its well planted and its cleaned regularly.

the 50gal would look empty with half the fish in it!

as for the new fish.. with weekly changes and good filter you'll be fine!
My filter can cope withthe heavy bio load on it - but it does need cleaning every 3-4 weeks (i've read about people not needing to clean theirs :S - suppose the bacteria break it down before it clogs up the filter)
i've never heard of the 2" of fish per gallon rule :huh:
i myself wouldn't go that far but i know i am ok overstocked as i am pretty experianced....
although i feal guilt when i do since i feal that i am doing this for my own reasons and not thinking of my fish

i seriously know people who are WAYYYYYYYY overstocked and they VERY blunt in saying that they know what they are doing and they have kept fish for years and years
i will admit that alot of people take matters far more seriously then they are but alot of people on here are new to fish so they need to take precations

so the idea remains....
will my fish's quality of life go down if i get a blue ram? :unsure:
i will wait a bit to be sure i don't do this on impulse :nod:

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