My son's fish not doing so well


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
My little boy loves fancy goldfish, so I finally broke down and got him two, one is an oranda and the other was a black moor. The latter died after about three weeks. Now the oranda, "Mailbox" is lathargic and sitting close to the surface. The tank they were in originally was a 30, but now that ot's just Mailbox, I moved him to a 10. I do water changes twice a week, 10% the first time and 50% the second, these fish are such pigs. Nitrites are a little up, but less then .25, ammonia is high before the 50% change every week, but then drops down again.
Why is it doing this? Is the tank too dirty? Am I overcleaning? Do you think it's just because i got the fish at Wal-Mart?

He was really sad when "Water" the moor died, he tells random strangers at the grocery store that his fish died. I've never had goldfish before, aside from a carnival prize or two, so I really need some help. Thank you for all your replies.
Goldfish need lots of oxygen so

1 are you airateing?

2 is there good water flow?

3 what is the water temp?

Also with fancy goldfish you need to avoid feeding them surface flakes as they often lead to swim bladder problems.

Goldfish are only suggested for cycleing because they are cheep. They are not nearly as hardy as zebra danios perhaps you could buy some biospira to aid in the cycle. Infact its probably gill damage from being hit with two cycles in a row Airation might pull it through and would be a very good step to try.

Go get that 10 dollar walmart air pump! On the double!


Whats the filtration like, any airation? As opcn says above, Fancies aren't as hardy as you may think, was the tank established?
Thanks for the replies guys, yes there is a filter and airation. All my tanks that I set up I hang a new filter along with the old filters on one of my established tanks for about two weeks before starting the new tank, so I don't think he was hit with a cycle.
I am feeding him sinking shrimp pellets, and he also eats on duckweed and anacharis that I throw in once a week so it doesn't overrun my discus tank.
There is no heater on the tank and our house is kept at 72. With his light on the temp raises to about 74 during the day.
Sometimes when I look at him, he looks totally normal and then others he is just resting at the top, not swimbladder vertical, just flat against the surface. I'm just worried...
id go for less water changes,1/3 every couple of weeks is what i do,my coldwater tanks i try to keep at room temp 64.also your nitrates seem a bit high ,i always aim for 0 or as close as,making a stab in the dark here but your temp might be the problem,does the fish look as though its gasping :/
Is there any signs of disease? Distended bellie, protruding scales etc? :)
Physically I see no symptoms, however this morning he is laying on his side on the bottom, so I don't think there is anything to do. My son is at preschool, I just hope that he goes before Spencer gets home. I'd rather tell him that his fish died, then have him find it like he did with the little moor. Gol, maybe I'll try to talk him into a type of fish that I know about.

Just out of curiousity though, how would you go about keeping the tank cooler than the house?
Laying on the bottom sounds like constipation, I would try a more varied diet including goldfish flakes, crushed peas, bloodworms etc.
Ok, I just went to check on him and he was alive, but stuck to the filter. I got him off and he has huge "ripples" on his side where he was attached. I had to turn the filter off too because he was heading straight back to it. What should I do? Should I euthanize him or give it more time? :-(
Sorrell said:
Just out of curiousity though, how would you go about keeping the tank cooler than the house?
I know a few people who put styrofoam under the tank to keep it cooler. Obviously you wouldn't want the tank too near a window or heater. ;) You could also switch to a fluorescent light (in the aquarium) rather than an incandescent, because fluorescents are much more efficient and will therefore produce less heat.

As for the euthanasia question, I'm not sure. :unsure: I think I would euthanise him, but it's a difficult question, and you may want to hear other people's opinions on the situation.

I'm so sorry about Mailbox. :sad:
I just don't know what to do because now that the filter is off he's swimming around again, but he looks horrible from being stuck to that filter. :-(
Oh no! Have you added aquarium salt/ Melafix/ stress coat? They might make him feel a little better. -_-

I don't know what else to suggest for Mailbox :-(
I did add some salt and stress coat, he seems to be doing better, but looks really beat up. I feel awful too because he was under there for quite some time before I relized he was stuck :( Thanks for all the help, and I'll keep you updated.

Btw, can anyone post me a link where I can learn about these guys before I get him some more. I looked all the way through Dr. Axelrod with him and ever fish he said he wants in a darn goldfish. I think they are neat fish, but i was really hoping something that I am more familiar with would catch his eye :rolleyes:
Can you build a pond? Goldfish will really do much better in a pond than in a house (unless it freezes over in which case you may want to bring em inside for the winter). Goldfish are like many other fish 75 is about the max temp for happy fish. More iration and surface area the better like to be in company of others. Do best onlive food/plants. Carp bodied are infinitly healthyer than fancy types (even though double tails are sooo cool). Very messy need lots of carbs for blast furnace metabolism. They really do best in ponds with live plants and duckweed plus lots of room to swim (in a pond its 100 gallons per goldfish) Try bitterlings they look alot like goldfish (and are carp too) and are alot hardyer than line bred goldfish and alot less messy (live on mainly bugs not plants).


I can't do a pond, we've thought about it, but we live in Wyoming and although it is almost July, it is 50 degrees outside, in the winter at night it is not unusual to go 20-30 below at night. Do all the fancy's have a hard time in tanks? Would it be better to talk him into something else?

Thanks for all your help.

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