My Solution to the Python problem


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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Ok guys I've wanted a python because it's just so easy but I didn't want to have to try to dechlorinate on the fly. So I came up with a setup that cost me about $25(though you could do it for about $15)

I use the python to vacum the tank.
Then instead of having the python refill directly into the tank I have it fill into a tub on the floor. Just a simple 115L rubbermaid tub I picked up at wal-mart. I let the python dump into that get it filled up a bit add the dechlorinator then I bought

this from Big-Al's;pcid2=

some tubing on the end of that and it pumps the water from the tub back into my tank. It's an extra step but a very easy one and I get the piece of mind that my replacement water is treated prior to the water going into the tank which is important for me since the water here stinks of chlorine.
Sounds like a good idea, Sky.

Say, out of curiosity, did you just start using this setup. Like, perhaps with your new 46g?
Bol said:
Sounds like a good idea, Sky.

Say, out of curiosity, did you just start using this setup. Like, perhaps with your new 46g?
I actually just started using it after the first 2 times I had to change the water in that tank and after I had to fill my 54 with a bucket(I've never used the python directly). The deaths started prior to the use of this setup. the dechlorinator I use works very well and you can instantly tell the chlorine smell is gone.

I'm confident that this setup has nothing to do with my recent tank mortality.
What I did was use a mass dose of Bio-Coat. It's a stress coater that says you can't overdose it and it dechlorinates (chlorine and chloramine).

I put it in the tank before pumping the water back in. Since the concentration is high, the new water should be dechloricated on contact and the fish get a nice fresh stress coating. :)

This worked the first go round, so I suppose I'll try it on the next one too. No bacteria die off or anything yet.
Socrates said:
What I did was use a mass dose of Bio-Coat. It's a stress coater that says you can't overdose it and it dechlorinates (chlorine and chloramine).

I put it in the tank before pumping the water back in. Since the concentration is high, the new water should be dechloricated on contact and the fish get a nice fresh stress coating. :)

This worked the first go round, so I suppose I'll try it on the next one too. No bacteria die off or anything yet.
my only problem is if I'm changing say 20 gallons that takes some time to refill. So how long is that chemical active in the tank for? also it immediately gets diluted and I don't like the idea of having to constantly administer large chemical doses to the tanks. Plus with the high chlorine content in my water the few moments that it takes to circulate around and get treated my fish have to suck that through thier gills. For the extra 25 bux this setup cost me it's worth the piece of mind knowing that my water is COMPLETELY treated.

But there is an additional bonus. Since I let the python fill maybe 15 gallons in that tub before I turn on the sump it allows me to dump so water I've boiled into the tub to heat the water to the exact temperature of the tank thereby also eliminating the temperature shock and also lets me not add any water from my hot water faucet keeping excessive hardness and minerals out of the tank.
Just used it again. This really is so much simpler.
I am REALLY getting irritated with mine!!!! :grr: :grr: :grr: RRRRRRRRRR!

THat stupid little green piece on the bottom of the pump that attached to the know the drain either push up and turn to the right to fill tank or you pull down to drain......WELL it is a BIG HUNK OF CRAP!!!! :-( :-( :-(

No matter if I have the water on FULL BLAST or just a tad bit with the open/close valve CLOSED water will BURST out of the top of the pump from too much pressure and water goes EVERYWHERE!!!! It's a brass top piece too!!!!! :-( :-( :-( This python makes water changes on my 55 and 30 a 2 person job STILL at my house!!!


EDIT > I will even get the temperature just right, in drain position, and make sure that the water is NOT full force or even close to it and then I will quickly put it in fill position....RUN out into the dining room trying to make it to the open/close switch before the water does but by the time I get through my web of hoses the water has already reached the open/close valve and water is SPRAYING ALL OVER MY BATHROOM!!!! :-( :sly:
And if I get lucky and actually get to that switch before the water does.....I have to open it and then get to my tank fast as can be before water starts pooring out onto the floor :lol: :huh: :grr: this is NO easy task.........because I have a 20 foot extension on the end so I have like 25 ft to go even after the open/close swith!

Why oh Why did I get one of these :no: :sad:
Well Silver thats not the problem I was trying to fix :D my problem was more along the lines of putting cold non dechlorinated water in my tank and also not wanting to have to lift and pour buckets into my tank.

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