My Sick Cory Was Caught Bu One Of My Snails


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2014
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my sick cory was caught by one of my snails and has dammaged him severly, it seems like he is panting and his tail does not seem to be working properly when he swims . he is just lying on the floor . can anyone help me save him
There's not really a lot you can do, tbh :(
A large water change, to make sure the water is in tip top condition, and making sure nothing else can attack it is your best bet.
he is now facing the surface but otherwise nothing has changed
Its a long shot, but you can try putting the cory in a seperate tank with only a few inches of water and do twice or 3 times daily water changes. Or if you have a small enough filter to work at really low water levels you can try an antibacterial medication. Sometimes this works and the fish can pull through, sometimes it doesnt.
No snail incident but I had the same problem but it was my guppy....
Wouldn't swim or eat.
Eventually passed... :(
Sorry for your loss, Sean

All I can say is, if the fish was so sick it could be attacked by a snail, there wasn't much you could do.

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