My Shrimps Are Dying!


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
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One by one, my shrimps are dying. I had 2 peppermints and 2 cleaners.

one peppermint died about 2 weeks ago. A cleaner died overnight when I brought him home about a week ago. Two nights ago, my other peppermint died (had him for about a year). And now, my last cleaner just died.

My water tested fine, though my pH is alittle low (7.8 Im raising that now.

my fish and corals looks fine. I saw one crab eating my shrimp last night, the others are most likely in hiding since I cant see any right now.

can anyone think of why my shrimps are dropping dead? I want to get more, but I dont want to get anymore if they'll just die.. cleaners are expensive! (15-20 US dollars here each)

The only thing I can think of is that my pH was low (7.8 Im trying to raise that now with some pH Up

EDIT: My crabs are ok, I see them now.

gotta work, be home in about 9 hours
Need more info:
-list all params, s.g., etc
-size tank and how old?
-what kind of water are you using?
-are you using tap? do you have copper pipes?

-list all params, s.g., etc

Erm, if you mean the testing results.. they are: Ammonia 0, Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, pH- 7.8 (Thats all the testings I do)
-size tank and how old?- 10 gal, running for about 14-15 months now
-what kind of water are you using? Unsure
-are you using tap? do you have copper pipes? unsure about pipes, I dechlorinate my tap water and leave it out over night before adding to tank.

My one peppermint shrimp lived for a year in my tank, so I dont think its the water itself. my other peppermint lived about 6 months before it died.

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