My Shovelnose Is Just Limp


New Member
Aug 9, 2008
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my new shovel nose is just floating around limp and weak why is this?

water - fine
tank size - fine
mates - 2 small 6" oscars, clown loaches, texas cichlid and 1 parrot fish
no fish is bothering it thought this is why i cant understand?
Just saying the water and tank size is "fine" isn't really helping very much, a bit more information could help diagnose a problem. With the information you have given it is almost impossible to say what could be wrong.
Just saying the water and tank size is "fine" isn't really helping very much, a bit more information could help diagnose a problem. With the information you have given it is almost impossible to say what could be wrong.

PH - 7
Ammonia - O
Temp - 28'c
Nitrite and Nitrate levels are needed too and are more important than pH and temperature, and what about aquarium size?

Also things like where the fish was purchased from (local or by mail order) can be helpfull.
i have recently purchased a 4" shovelnose catfish i have a 450ltr tank with sand and rocks in. there is no problem with my water chemistry but the fish just stays still on its side. i checked before purchase and was fine brought it back now not eating or swimming at all?! first day in the tank fish was fine now not so good. advice please

this is from his ealier post :good:

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