My setup


Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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This is my setup. I plan to switch to marine in a couple months.

Tank Specs-
20 long U.S gallons
Emperor 400
Skimmer(Need to know a good one)
Lights(Need to know a good one)
Crushed Coral
30lbs fiji live rock
Sorry but I was at school and the bell rang, so I hurried and shut the computer down. The tank is going to be a reef but im not concerned on corals just this moment.
My stock
10 to 20 snails
10 hermit crabs
2 red cleaner shrimp
2 ocellarois clown fish
Am I forgeting anything in my setup?
Sounds pretty balanced, Frank. I just got a skimmer for my 55, but I just put it in tonight,so i can't recommend it yet. Good luck
for a 20 gallon lighting I would have to say you need to look at power-compacts. have you thought about maybe a small powerhead for water movement with-in the tank.
Any suggestions for lighting and skimmer? How deos my pick on stock sound?
If you aren't concerned about corals, ie you are going for a FOWLR tank, I would reccomend normal fluorescnet lighting. If you need to go for corals later you can upgrade it to VHO, or overdrive it.

I'm getting a 20 long too, and I'm gonna put two daylight tubes and one actinic over it, and overdrive them. I'm hardly an expert, but I would think that is the cheapest option. If you have a bit more dough than me, it might be better to go with MH right from the start.

Just my 2 cents.
Well I found a skimmer by red sea for up to 100 gallons. Its nice and the lfs owner siad this is the one to get. I seen firefish gobies and would 2 work with the two ocellaris clown or the black clowns?
Skimmer... Red sea... Is it the prizm? If so then be warned, its not the most efficient skimme rout there. I have one and im very pleased with it because i know its limitations. Definatly an undrskimmer but if you are happy with that then thats ok :thumbs:
you should'nt have much trouble with the clowns+firefish,
but in my opinion, that should be it for fish in a 20 gallon.
I know that be it for fish. But instead of 2 firefish I decided on 1 and an opening fro a goby later on I see and would want. As for the skimmer its only for a 20 gallon shouldnt be all right?
If you want to keep coral later on, buy a light now that will sustain them so you don;t waste your money buying two fixtures.

Firefish are cool but you will need a top to the tank. They will go carpet surfing otherwise.
Thats my plan for coral. By christmas is when I should be probaly getting all this, well not the live rock and fish, but a RO unit, salt, powerheads, and a kick ass light. Its sad what fish can do to a person, ever since I started the hobby I found myself on a low budget, working more hours (Im only 16), and excited to go to any lfs.

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