My Setup


Fish Aficionado
Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
Here's a bit of info on the tank, if you don't really want to read the boring bits, skip to the images :)

Tank: Arcadia arc 35L
Filtration and water circulation: Tetratex ex700 and a Hydor Koralia Nano
Lighting: 11W compact T5
Substrate: ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia and clay cat litter underneath
Hardscape: Japanese Sieryu Stone and aome locally collected driftwood
Plants: Java Fern, Java Moss, Flame Moss, Cryptocoryne willisii, Anubias nana and Pogostemon helferi.
Fish: Two Thread Fin Rainbow Fish and approximately 10 Celestial Danio's

As you can see, it needs a good trim!


Please excuse the mess at the side of the tank, I'm currently sorting stuff out!
got to say that i really like that and i dont think it needs a trim at all :) nothing like a bi of the wild side
looking nice, i can see it looking very good after a good trim. What are you dosing?
I'm dosing EI, approximately 3ppm nitrate, 1ppm of potassium and 1ppm of phosphate every other day, micros on the days alternate to the macros, rest on a sunday with a 50% water change, I also dose a little gluturaldehyde (Liquid carbon) I made up my own mix which is more dilute and it's cheaper to make than buying it, so I don't risk killing the Java Moss as it seems to be quite sensitive. I'll give it a good trim tomorrow night and if anyone would like any Java Moss cuttings I'd be happy to send you some just PM me your address and I'll send it on to you. - Edit: Providing you're in the UK.
I really hacked away at the moss this evening, still not happy with it :/ I'm tempted to replace it with Cryptocoryne parva, but that wont happen for a while, I might get some more crypts also to fill in the gaps at the rear and on the left hand side.

Parva woud work well in there, what about some lilaeopsis and parva, i think they always work well together.
I thought it looked great before you trimmed it mate. Still looks really good though :good:

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