My setup and cycling experience

Todd Grant

New Member
Mar 17, 2019
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Hello I am new to the forums but not new to the hobby however, I would like to hear any ideas and or opinions about my setup and plans for my tank. So I have a 90 gallon with a 35/gallon sump/refugium I made and plumbed myself. I have also got a h.o.b. Down in the sump just be cause I had it laying around and because I have noticed that it makes quite a difference in the grand scheme of things. Anyway all together I am funninb about 115- 120 gallons all together. I want to make it a community tank with cardinal and neons being the centrepieces of the display. My questions are what are your opinions on tank mates and numbers for the setup i am running. I would like to get as many different species as I can. It has been cycled and is ready for stocking. I have always taken my time while stocking for the first time but I would like to know if this is really necessary or could I just go ahead and stock it almost all at once?
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

What are the tank dimensions (length x width x height)?

What is the GH (general hardness) and pH of your water supply. This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website or by telephoning them. If they can't help you, take a glass full of tap water to the local pet shop and get them to test it for you. Write the results down (in numbers) when they do the tests. And ask them what the results are in (eg: ppm, dGH, or something else).
So the water around here is pretty hard. In my area they say we have 20 to 24 gpg ( grains per gallon) the ph is right around 7.
So the water around here is pretty hard. In my area they say we have 20 to 24 gpg ( grains per gallon) the ph is right around 7.

That is hard water. 20 gpg is equivalent to 350 ppm which is equivalent to 19 dGH. The hobby uses ppm and dGH. The pH seems a bit low for the hardness. If you tested pH yourself, with tap water, you must first ensure any CO2 is out-gassed or the result can be off. Let a glass of tap water sit 24 hours, then test pH.
That is hard water. 20 gpg is equivalent to 350 ppm which is equivalent to 19 dGH. The hobby uses ppm and dGH. The pH seems a bit low for the hardness. If you tested pH yourself, with tap water, you must first ensure any CO2 is out-gassed or the result can be off. Let a glass of tap water sit 24 hours, then test pH.
Yes the water here is very hard.
That is hard water. 20 gpg is equivalent to 350 ppm which is equivalent to 19 dGH. The hobby uses ppm and dGH. The pH seems a bit low for the hardness. If you tested pH yourself, with tap water, you must first ensure any CO2 is out-gassed or the result can be off. Let a glass of tap water sit 24 hours, then test pH.
So I tested the water in my tank which has been running for about 36 hours now and the ph is actually around 8-8.1. I have had swords and platies and other tropical live beaters and I have had piranha and angelfish all raised in the same water very successfully,
That pH is more what I would expect with the hard water GH. Obviously the dissolved CO2 in the tap water was why it appeared lower.

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