My set up how many fish ????


New Member
Sep 19, 2004
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A 2ft sump containing a trikle tower,
2 x 300w heaters
an ehiem 1260 (2400l/h) ciculating pump and a tunze 220-3 automatic skimmer
SG 1.01

Any body got any ideas on the maximum amount of fish i could safley have?
Safely you can house roughly up to around 75 inches of fish depending on the salinity and volume of the sump, this also very much depends on the size of the fish and volume of mess created by them, scats for example are one of the messiest fish ive ever encountered so tanks containing them should have less other fish.

This is based on that brackish water with a SG of 1.011 can support the ammount of fish halfway between sea water with a SG of 1.022 and FW with a SG of 1.000, ie 1 inch per 5 gallons for SW and 1 inch per gallon for FW
Will not be keeping skats
My favourites are Shark catfish, Monos(finger fish) and Orange Crhomides
I have also bread Kribs in a Brackish tank with an SG 1.01 so hope to have some of them as well.
i had estimated 70 so seems i am on the right track.

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