My Set Up 240 Litre Aquarium Hi Tech


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
Eastliegh, Hampshire, UK
Hey all

Just thought i would go through my set up


240 litre tank
Eheim pro 3e 2078 filter
Aquamanta EFX 400 filter
Vectron V600 UV Sterelizer
Aquagro 1500 inline diffuser
TMC V2 regulator and solenoid dIN 477 (When it arrives!!)
2 x Fluval e 300 watt heaters
4 x eco complete substrate
2 x 6000lph Wavemakers.
50gal DD RO unit.

I have had 4 set ups and 3 tanks since i joined this forum, i am now down to 1 tank and have come across lots of issues but with the help of everyone on here have managed to resolve these issues.

so would like to say thank you for all your help!

What i decided to do this time was to use pressurized co2 and a good substrate!! The bank balance has been hit abit but i have been shopping around to get the best prices.

I initially set up the aquarium with just the eheim filter but my output was only 500lph so have now decided to use the eheim for pure filtration and i have now connected up the aquamanta to use with the inline equipment. i am now getting 902lph from my eheim!. though i may have to take out the wave-makers as there may be too much water movement. and im not sure what plants i will be receiving as i went for a bargain surplus of 100 plants for 9.95 and some HC.

as my regulator hasn't turned up yet will my HC survive for a week or 2 without co2?hoping the eco may keep it going!!
i could use DIY co2 till my reg turns up as i have used this before..
I have the co2, which my boss let me have from the pub i work in!!

i am now in the process of cycling my tank and i am using the nutrafin cycle. i know there is many views on this but it has worked in all of my tanks i have had set up so therefore will keep using it!

As for ferts, i am going to use a plant fertilizer from pets at home. i have spent so much money on this hobby since i started so my partner will not be pleases if i carry on!! but will see how this goes.

My eheim filter set up is with mech pro - liters, biomech 5 liters and the 2 sponges , in the aquamanta it will just be sponges and phosex and nitrate ex. the eheim will be more bio and the aquamanta more mechanical, both will be doing both anyways.

water is not crystal as of yet but when i get the aquamanta up and running hoping this should clear up.!!

As for stocking, i will prob go for 1 type of shark fish and 2 schools of fish. and various shrimps!!

i would like to get 1 red and 1 blue Siamese fighter but im not sure that they are allowed to be kept together? even though i have seen them n aquatic shops in a mucher smaller tank!!! is my tank sufficient to hold 2, as i would not get the shark if that was the case!!

and i may have to get some nice colored guppies!!.

Tank After Filling



Tank after a few hours



I will upload more pics as i get more progress!! and if this reg ever arrives as i have been waiting since the 16th december



As for stocking, no the fighters cannot be together, even though the tank is big I still would not risk it.
Guppies and fighters are not normal compatible, especially fancy ones.
I would go for a sorority of female bettas if you really want bettas.
Shark will nip the bettas so choose one or the other. :D

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