My Second Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Grimsby (UK)
I've been debating weather to set up another tank for some time now, i have a empty 35 liter sat in a cupboard which i was going to set up, untill my sister gave me her old tank, its only a small one (approx 72 liters).

The tank came with no lid or lighting so i spent £30 on the light below


Excellent light, with built in Blue LEDS for moon light.

I brought some sand today and also some easy growing real plants as am no expert when it comes to planted tanks, i have tried in the past though no matter how i try, i always manage to get snails :(

Well below are some tank shots, currently doing a fishless cycle... ,i have been thinking about dwarf puffers :/ ......
Tank dimensions are 24"(Wide) x 12"(Depth) x 15"(High)


Putting in the sand


Tank full with plants added with the light on



So what should i go for ? , dwarf puffers ? , a male betta ? :crazy: .. suggestions welcome :nod:
Is it US or UK gallons? If it is US it's 18.7 and if it's UK it's 15.58. My dad has a nice small tank with moonlight effect and has it set like this (as he hand built his lid) in daylight white LEDS come on, in dark blue LEDS come on for the moonlight and his neon tetras look great in it. He spent lots of money on it and has:
10X neon tetras
1X sunset platy
1X zebra pleco (like i said LOTS of money)

I would say yours could be like this if you like:
10X neon tetras
1X bulldog pleco
6-7X x-ray tetras

This is only a sugestion i guess you could probably get more in but, i'm playin it safe here.

Is it US or UK gallons? If it is US it's 18.7 and if it's UK it's 15.58. My dad has a nice small tank with moonlight effect and has it set like this (as he hand built his lid) in daylight white LEDS come on, in dark blue LEDS come on for the moonlight and his neon tetras look great in it. He spent lots of money on it and has:
10X neon tetras
1X sunset platy
1X zebra pleco (like i said LOTS of money)

I would say yours could be like this if you like:
10X neon tetras
1X bulldog pleco
6-7X x-ray tetras

This is only a sugestion i guess you could probably get more in but, i'm playin it safe here.


Thanks for the reply, in UK gallons its 15.58

I was thinking of a nice shoal of neon tetra's and possibaly adding more plant's, still thinking :crazy: :lol:
:lol: Yeah neons look really good under moonlight. Zebra plecos can be abit expensive possibly about £100 for a baby so i don't know how my dad mannaged to get 1 but they look really good under moonlight too. It's up to you what you put in like i said they were sugestions but if you like 'em take 'em and use 'em.


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