my salmontail catfish

crazy fish, i also used to have one that grew to 17" but it was still a baby they do grow to 80cm, and take it out of that oscar tank man those fish do not get along belive ive tryed it :)
why don't they get along my sister has one in with her oscars and they get along well they were brought up together just like my guys will be. Buddy and Hun leave Felix alone and Felix lives them alone.
Im pretty sure it was because my 10" Oscar claimed the tank to him self witch is 79g (4ft). First he tryed to kill the other oscar and then i put the catfish in and went for it right away flareing up and chargeing at it. I couldnt keep him in that tank anyway he was just getting to big, one he hit 10" (25cm) he really started to grow, in about 6months he grew another 7"s!!!

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