My Sailfin Molly(Male) Is Sitting In Bottom Of The Tank After Water Ch


New Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Hi My I have 2 sailfin Mollies (1 male, 1 Female), yesterday I did a water change about half of the tank and I added API tap water conditioner. My Female molly and all other fishes in my tank are swimming fine and acting as normal but only my male molly is sitting at the bottom. It is coming to the top of the tank when I put food and swims around for few moments and it goes to the bottom. I am going to my LPS to test my water today. If I do another water change will it be ok? 

Hey there,
If you get the water stats and post them up could give a clearer picture. How long has the tank been running>? What size the tank is and what are the tank mates?
Welcome to the board.
Need  more information please.
Tank size in gallons?
How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.?
How long has the tank been set up and running?
Is the molly acting lethargic and leaning to onside when resting?.
Is the fish resting for long periods of time.?
Any other symptoms like bloating, or looking thin.

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