My Rubbernose Pleco Problem (kinda)


Fish Herder
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Halifax, west yorkshire, England.
Hello. My rubbernose pleco is in one place all the time, on the same side of the glass at the exact same spot. He moves every now and then but he isnt much. I was wondering if there is something wrong. The water params are fine, and there is algae in the tank so he is eating that, also algae wafers are in aswell as cucumber. There is a few hiding spots (bogwood, plants etc) but he seems to just stay there. I've had him a week. Any ideas whats up?

Have you tried watching him after lights off, most plecs are nocturnal and tend to move more at night. The spot you keep seeing him in is probably the spot he has picked as his day time resting spot. At least he's picked a place you can see him, some people hardly ever see theirs. Since he's only been in there a week he might become more active as he gets settled, but then he might find a better hiding spot too.

Yeah watch him after lights out and see if he moves around. Also wait for awhile he might still be settling in. My pleco is different than your just hours after I got him he was already moving around the tank and eating algae. Also you should be glad he has chosen a day resting spot where you can see him. My pleco hides in the back of the tank behind some plants but comes out around 4:00pm. Just give he some time and he should start moving around ;)

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