My Rosy Barb is a nipping ninny


New Member
Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California

I am new to this world and just added 2 Rosy barbs (one male, one female). The male chases the female constantly. She seems to be bothered and swims sort of tilted to get away. Is the normal play like tag or is it meaness on his part?

If he is being a bully, I don't want this going on!

Can someone help me understand, s'il vous plait?
Its quite normal...she may get some damged be fine. She may get stressed from it but its ok. Do you have other fish in teh tank? :eek:
Hey, thanks!

Yes, I have 6 neon tetras and I just added a second female rosy barb. I guess he (Adonis) just needed 2 ladies. He is quite pleased with the addition to his concubine collection. I have a 26 gallon tank. Do you thin it is too much to add 2 upside down catfish later to complete the tank? I don't want to over crowd and I didn't anticipate the 3rd rosy barb amoung the citizens of my Atlantis. Is it play or is he actually being a jerk?
I think it should be ok...but if it goes all bad you should remove them. ;)

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