Hi all! I'm new here and am glad to find this valuable resource. I purchased a reedfish a couplea weeks ago and he is cool! Now my cat can see the action from across the room and it has become cat TV! My reedfish lives with 2 Buenos Aires Tetras and 2 Sunset Gouramis in a 20 gallon standard-shaped tank. The reedfish is about 10" long and about as thick as a finger. It took him about a week to start eating but now he can get a couplea bloodworms in before the rest of the fish hone in on his chow. I feed him one frozen bloodworm cube a day and I feed flakes 2-3 times a day for the others. I've done a lot of reading and I'm still not sure the best course of action. One website said he'd stay small if I only fed him small bloodworms, but there seems to be disagreement. I won't be getting a larger tank and I don't intend to get another reedfish, but I don't wanna make the creature miserable. Do I have to get another reedfish? Do I have to get rid of this one because my tank is too small? Do I really have to worry about him eating my tetras even though its physically impossible? Thanks in advance for your help!