My Red Claw Crab Is Dying!


New Member
Mar 15, 2008
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My red claw crab hasn't move in 3 days, I know is not dead because the limbs are flexible, dosn't smell at all, and the move a littje bit once in a while; It's in a fresh water tank w/ good water quality; I took it out for a couple hours, but it didn't respond...It's a 14 g tank w/ 3 neons, 1 gourami, 1 cory, 3 platties & 2 snails,any suggestions?
red claw crabs require some brackish water or they won't live long, how long have you had it?
It is also possible that the crab is simply molting and as a result won't be as active.

here is some info on them
i'm not too sure on what levels of salt are needed for them so it may be better to post this in the brackish forum,
I do know though that you won't be able to keep your tropical fish in the same conditions
i'm not too sure on what levels of salt are needed for them so it may be better to post this in the brackish forum,
I do know though that you won't be able to keep your tropical fish in the same conditions
Thanks a lot, I guess I have to accept the fact that I can,t have that type of crabs,
yes they need brackish water and also to be able to get on land(or out of the water at least), something i wasn't told by my lfs when i bought some and one by one thay all died :(
a specific gravity of 1.005 is sufficient.

Which would be roughly a Quarter strength when preparing the marine salt.

You could make a little pool for it to soak in which is brackish and that will suffice.

That is if you have an access to land??

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