My Reason To Live.....

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
Somewhere, in another thread, I said that I hope to die before she does…… “I’ll not be able to handle it”…..

Despite her looks and handicaps, she is loyal…. She is a total invalid, and while I was involved with the SPCA…… my advice to families with dogs in this state was to do the honourable thing….. make the decision, based on the quality of life left……

HOWEVER!!!!..... This is mine!!!!.... and there is no ways in a million years that I will resort to my own advice!!!..... My Meghan will outlive me!.... She is only 9 years old and has to be carried around to move around…. (Acute arthritis) ….

My daughter (a vet) did an operation on one of the legs (R8,000 – about $1,100), but it did not help…. But despite….. where I am….. Meghan wants to be with me…. (Even more loyal than my wife)….. Here she is enjoying the afternoon sun on the porch.




It's a beutifull dog, however, if it was mine, i would have to have it put down, especially considering it cant even walk

Well, how do you measure quality of life - I am 100% sure that if Meghan did not have a good quality of life then Lud would make that awful decision.

If she still loves to sit in the sun, eat her dinner and sit on someone's lap, be stroked, enjoy new smells, why not - you go girl, just because you cant walk doesnt mean you are not still enjoying life :good:
if it was mine, i would have to have it put down,

Just the callousness of your statement made me hyperventilate and brought me into a state of depression..... This is not even an option...... (as I said before..... it used to be my advice to others), but I will not do it!!!!!!
if it was mine, i would have to have it put down,

This comment so upset me, I had to come back to this thread - however I always like to check my facts and so popped along to your journel. I note that you are still a young man (13yrs) and ime sometimes young people say what they are thinking without first considering the impact of HOW they are saying it............I'm going to leave it there

Seffie x
if it was mine, i would have to have it put down,

Just the callousness of your statement made me hyperventilate and brought me into a state of depression..... This is not even an option...... (as I said before..... it used to be my advice to others), but I will not do it!!!!!!

You are sooooo like me. I know exactly how you feel, some people just do not get it. The feelings we can have for a dog. When my benny had to be pts I went into a right state and had to be put on tablets for depression. I was totally lost, I felt like I wanted to die. When he was ill I was hysterical. They even had to call the doctor for me I was in so much of a state.

My Cookie is 15 and incontinent and totally blind. He bashes into everything when he tries to get around. My dad says just get rid of him. I get so angry. How the hell could I do that. I love him, I've had him from a pup and now he's old I'm not just gonna get rid of him for an easy life.

I think what you are doing for her is fantastic and she is a little beauty.
I think what you are doing for her is fantastic and she is a little beauty.

Ha! Ha!..... I've never even considered Meghan to be a beauty.... (My friend names her as the ugliest dog he's ever seen).... , but her loyalty makes her Mine.... Even in her disabled state..... No-one will ever touch me!!!!.... I am her hero.... I am her EVERYTHING!!... How much loyalties do I deserve..... It is mine!!!!!, and she is MINE!!!!
She is gorgeous in my eyes. My Cookie has gone really scruffy in his old age but he's still my beauty. Have you ever seen Mugly? He's been on a programme I watch about dogs and the lenghts we go to for them. He's a lovely little thing but not the best looker:

His owner adores him though.Btw he's fine now after that attack. Dogs are the most loyal things on this earth. They never let you down. I wouldn't be without mine.
I have not looked at your link yet, (but I will)..... I have 4 photos of Meghan up on this thread, and every one tells me a different story..... she communicates by stance..... I know her like the palm of my hand!!!
The hardest decision to ever make is to have to decide between another creatures life and death. It is a totally personal decision for the owners who adore their pet, and even though you have advised others to put their suffering pets down, I can still understand your own reluctance. Our old girl Leah has always had trouble with her hips, which are getting worse and not helped by her lazy ways and bit of excess weight. She also has a heart murmer which we have never medicated for, but when she was a younger dog we used to exercise her pretty hard. Although Leah does have problems getting up (especially in the cold) she still gets as excited as a puppy about the idea of going for a walk or a drive or even better FOOD. And even though she often trips over her own feet, can no longer jump into the back of the car (her nick name used to be leaping Leah, becasue she could jump so high from a standing start) or her back legs sometimes give out when she tries to change direction too quickly, she still takes great delight in playing with our slightly younger dog Thor -he's around 5yrs her junior. Whenever Leah is having particular troubles with her hips she gets half a cortizone tablet with her dinner and even though it makes her eat like a horse it eases her pain for quite a while and she barely needs a tablet once a month.
My old dog Sam who I adored died at home, she was incredibly sick and we had tried every medical option without success. I had talked to Sam one night (even now I am tearing up I miss her so badly), and even though it hurt like hell, I told her if she needed to she could go, I wouldn't make her stay. That night she died and my heart broke.

There are many ways to judge quality of live and I am sure if you decide that Meghan's life is beyond any type of quality, that you will make your final decision, free of pressure and guilt.
My wife is "Cheetah" on this forum.... & She also has access to my account as moderator on this forum..... and.... I have told her that.... if anything happens to me..... at least, let my friends at TFF know that I am dead!..... I presume to be dead before Meghan is so..... so she will also be the one to inform you about Meghans' last day!
Hey Lud mate I hope you stick around here for a long time to come yet (someone has to keep us rabble in check my friend)

if it was mine, i would have to have it put down,

Just the callousness of your statement made me hyperventilate and brought me into a state of depression..... This is not even an option...... (as I said before..... it used to be my advice to others), but I will not do it!!!!!!
I'm sorry if my comment upset you :sad: , but that's my opinion. Anyway, i hope that she lives a long, healthy and happy life.

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