My ratty Hoshi

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
She's getting old, by rat terms. I think she's dieing. She's real sleepy and stiff this evening. I'm hoping she's just feeling a bit poorly but I think she's dieing. :-( Worse still is that I'm away from tomorrow morning to Friday. So no one will be here with her if she does pass away. :-( I feel terrible.
She's gone. She went to sleep and never woke up. A peaceful way to go happily but it's sad anyway. :-(
We did have to be away, yes. My son was admitted to Great Ormond Street hospital and yes, that is right next to where those atrocious bombings etc happened and yes we were there when it happened.
Overall this week has been somewhat trying! Fortunately we did not get caught up in those atrocities or hurt in any way. We were literally asleep at the other end of the street when it happened. Yes, we slept through it. :*) My daughter had been sick during the night so instead of making our way to the hospital at around that time we left alot later. In a sense keeping us safe! Funny how life can be.
It was an odd day for us all and the medical staff were doing their upmost for those hurt in the blasts. Once we got to the ward we weren't allowed to leave as they were on code red.
I hope to never witness such atrocious events ever again. I truly hope they don't happen anywhere again. :/
Sorry to hear about your rat..At least it died peaceful that is the best way to go is in your sleep......

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