My Rainbow Shark Is Dying


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2005
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i think my rainbow shark is dying, he is about 10yrs + so i know hes old. He has no sign of any illness he is just looking very sorry for his self. His tail is hanging low. alough he is swimming fine. he eats if the food is droped in front of him. but he is either laying on the floor on his side or he swims up the side of the filter and lays against the glass upside down.

Any ideas, ive cleaned out the tank and done a water change all is normal in the tank, im guessing old age is catching up on him.
Not good when they lay to oneside can indicate something wrong like a bacterial infection.
Is he laboured breathing as well.
Or bless him, just think that you gave him a good life.
He's dosn't sound right.
He has obviously had a very very good life to live so long.

If he does pass away, be thankful and proud you had him for so long and that he was such a great fish.

I think old age has caught up to him, 10yrs old is a long time for a fish.


this is him in his better days alouth i must say he is on the move and swimming again
Isn't that a red tailed shark, he's lovely.

Sorry no they don't have a red dorsal fin.
Bless him, fingers crossed.
:( I hope he sticks around a while longer but he's had a good long life and it just might be his time.
It makes me feel good to know someone loved him and cared for him for so long.
Blessings and best wishes to him, and to you.
hi thanks for all you lovley comments but im afriad to say he passed away last night he is now in my mother in laws garden (cant go in mine as we have a springer and he dig him up in a day). i checked him over and i couldnt see any sign of illness just his time i think
sorry to hear about your rainbow shark. sounds like he had a great life!
Sorry R.I.P.
Old age did well not many make it out of the infant stage.

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