Fish Crazy
I have had my queen arabesque for about 2-3 weeks now and although she never comes out in the day i am worried that the food i put for her at night is getting gobbled up by my corys or yo yo loaches. i have put potato in as the lfs was feeding them on this, i have tried cucumber and the other fish seem to gobble it up before she even moves. i also put some algea wafers in at bedtime but the others scoff that 2. My water stats are fine so shes not hiding because of can i tell if she is eating enough? Any suggestions i can try.
I have had my queen arabesque for about 2-3 weeks now and although she never comes out in the day i am worried that the food i put for her at night is getting gobbled up by my corys or yo yo loaches. i have put potato in as the lfs was feeding them on this, i have tried cucumber and the other fish seem to gobble it up before she even moves. i also put some algea wafers in at bedtime but the others scoff that 2. My water stats are fine so shes not hiding because of can i tell if she is eating enough? Any suggestions i can try.