My Queen Dosent Seem To Eat Anything


Fish Crazy
Oct 17, 2006
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I have had my queen arabesque for about 2-3 weeks now and although she never comes out in the day i am worried that the food i put for her at night is getting gobbled up by my corys or yo yo loaches. i have put potato in as the lfs was feeding them on this, i have tried cucumber and the other fish seem to gobble it up before she even moves. i also put some algea wafers in at bedtime but the others scoff that 2. My water stats are fine so shes not hiding because of can i tell if she is eating enough? Any suggestions i can try. :/
I think Queen Arabesques prefer meatier foods, so maybe try her with a small amount of prawn/mussel to get her interest back in food?

Found this info on Planet Catfish if it helps:

A definite carnivore, and absolutely not an algae eater. Not picky, take a wide variety of live and frozen food such as bloodworms, brine shrimps, gammarus. Tablets, especially those with high percentage of Spirulina are also recommended.
lisa and kathy, i think you 2 are physic :lol: would i be able to defrost some prawns and put them in? or have they got to be fresh. the bloodworms i put in every few days disappear within seconds so i dont even think it would have had a taste of any of them. Is spirilina in algea pellets?
LMAO she's done it again. You're right, she must have evil psychic powers. Don't trust a word she says. Oh hang on, she said the same as me. :lol: :lol:

Erm....don't know any surefire ways of stopping the others getting her food. Maybe try distrcting them with some bloodworm, then put something where she spends most of her time? Plecs tend to eat better in the dark too if they're shy.
Shy is the understatement of the century!!! i havent seen her out yet ever :angry: , can i put frozen prawns in then or does it have to b fresh shrimp?
cool, thanks, il try them tonight, the tank is in darkness now so it might tempt the the begger out :rolleyes:
Mine comes out in the evenings when I subdue the lighting to dusk setting. I don't think she likes the bright lights for plant growth. Once it has settled you will probably see more of it.
The other thing I reckon made her feel more comfortable was to move her cave to next to the filter input pipe. Apparently I read somewhere that they like caves in the current. Has worked great for me, I see her every day now.

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