My Psychopath

Jul 9, 2011
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St. Louis
I made the mistake about a month ago of buying the most aggressive fish possible. We have had our differences, but I finally found a setup that she likes and she is no longer killing everything that moves. But I would like to introduce everyone to my pet psycopath, the Jewel Cichlid.



4 inches of pure hell.
They are vicious, I had a pair in my pond years ago that where as happy as larry for ages and then I started seeing my poor big beautiful goldfish with their tails shredded :crazy: . The culprits where of course the jewels who had bred in a hollow log in the pond and where guarding their fry.
Lesson learnt in the cichlid stakes.
Great to see her healthy and that you've reached a viable compromise!

I have my own psycopath back home (full sized Asian Bumblebee Catfish), he lives in his own tank, and kills ANYTHING (even the trumpet snails ;p ), he even attacks my hand in the tank!

But he's so full of character, and spits gravel at the glass when he wants attention (I just wish i could put the light on in his tank so i could see him more! But he hates it, so I don't ;p)
Yep... I did tell you Jewel's are evil! :D

But again... one of the most stunning freshwater fish available... Just a shame you can't find a peaceful one! :look:
Yes we did finally come to an agreement. I tried the Mbuna idea that someone told me, she did not like that. She would have fought to the death, even though she got tore up. So I moved her back in with the severums, and she is happy like that. She swims with the severums, and so far, no nipped fins. It was neat though, hate to say it, but when she was in with the Mbunas, she turned the deepest shade of red I have ever seen.

It has been a pain in the butt, but I am glad to say that my setup with her is working. She is swimming around rather than hiding, and seems to be a happy fish.

Lol but is she a great pet to keep for you?
And yes, i can honestly say, even though she has been a pain to house and keep happy, she is one of my favorites, which is why i have worked to much on finding compatible tankmates.
She looks like shed eat tankmates lol
She almost killed a green terror 2 inches bigger than her. And she gave my malawis a good run, but they had numbers on her. She hasint killed anything yet, but she is capable. The green terror went back to the LFS. I am happy to say his fins have grown back and he is doing well.
Good at least she hasn't KILLED anything I hope all the injured fish get better if they haven't already
Good at least she hasn't KILLED anything I hope all the injured fish get better if they haven't already
Well last time i was at the LFS (2 days ago) they let the GT out of quarantine and back on the floor. I felt bad for giving them an injured fish, but they were the idiots that told me they were compatible.
i used to have one that terrorised my big male GT, they got into a scrap one day the the GT ripped off the jewels pectoral fin, the jewel still wouldn't back down.
beautiful fish but they are complete menaces :)
i used to have one that terrorised my big male GT, they got into a scrap one day the the GT ripped off the jewels pectoral fin, the jewel still wouldn't back down.
beautiful fish but they are complete menaces :)
Yeah they are. She is nice with the Severums, but I haven't found anything else that she will tolerate...oh and Synodontis catfish. she doesnt bother those either

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