My Problems

Fish Fingers

Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Hey I've got a couple of things happening in my tank that I need a bit of help with. Firstly I have been getting this weird slimy stuff on my suction pads and the top of my heater. It is a cloudy white slime and I'm not sure what it is or how to get rid of it. I wiped it off the other day but it came back today. The plant on my piece of driftwood is also getting black spots on it, then turning yellow and dying. Any suggestions?
How longs has your tank been running? This happened to my plants once when I first set it up, they all died in the end though. This happened because of my light though, what type of light do you have?
I also have this slimey stuff - on the suckers of my heater & filter. My snail sometimes likes to nibble on it & it doesn't seem to be causing any troubles. My guess would be it's some kind of good bacterial build up which is encouraged by good lighting, warm water & good aeration (it's only started big time since I got a heater & light & a filter that's actually working properly lol). Anyways, I don't think the slime's a problem, if it bothers you, clean it off every now & then (but remember, if u take a heater out of water, u'll need to let it sit in ur tank again in the water for 15-20 mins before turning it back on, not sure if the same goes for filter etc.).

As for the plants, try either CO2 &/or fertilisers. Not too familiar with these but heaps of others are.

Thanks for that. My tank has been running for almost three weeks now(I'm a newbie B) ) and the light the guy told me to get said it would help my plants grow :/ . I've borrowed some fertilser of my friend but it doesn't seem to be helping to much. Lol I'm looking at my tank now and my bnoses are eating the slime so it can't be that bad.
Yep, I have that white slime on my Suction Pads on the Heater and Filter.

The snails like to eat it and when I am cleaning the Filter the fish go into the housing and eat it well, So I don't hink it can do any harm.
hey chris buy some fertilser like ur friends (me :) ) and use it more than once like it says on the instructions "once a week".

good luck with ur tank

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