My Pregnant Molly!


Fish Crazy
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Doesnt she just look ready to burst!! Cant wait, hope i'm in to see her have them though so i get a chance to move them into the breeding trap!! Whats the best thing to feed molly fry, liquifry? Do they generally birth at night, when the tank lights are off? Thats when she had her first lot.. but i wasnt prepared and they got munched :/

Byeeee x


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my swordtail gave brith at night i was lucky to have walked by our they whould be died. i think she will give brith soon
That looks more like a Platy to me. :huh: But yes, she does look pretty pregnant.

Liquifry is a common choice, as is small fry food. TetraMin and Hikari both make fry bites that are pretty good. And, just for your info, you can't keep fry in the breeder trap for very long. It's okay for a couple weeks, while they grow up a bit, but after that they should be moved out.
Thats funny u should say, so cos ive seen platys in this colour but the only 'sunset mollies' ive seen are in the shop i got them! maybe she is a platy OMG! and now ive called her 'molly'. Guess i'll never know!!
I'm almost 100% sure that is a Platy. The body shape is very Platy-like, and so is the coloring. Sunset Mollies don't look like that. It's a case of mislabeling, methinks.
my bf thinks shes a molly... guess we'll never know! i googled sunset molly and couldnt find any pics of one!

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