my power head


Nov 4, 2003
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i droped it in water now it dont work, i heard there supposed to be subersable BUT i dunno when i droped mine in the water it stoped :(... its a regant i made another thread but noone helped... help... thx

post what info i need to tell you kuz i dont know
Sorry to hear about that. Maybe try to take it back and get a hagen. I thought all PH's were submersible as well, or at least they should be.
the problem is its like 3 yrs old, its never been used but its old... :( oh well i guess, damn thing
You might take it apart and make sure its clean, the impeller is not stuck somehow, etc. I have powerheads that are 10 years old and still working. It should be submersible unless it says otherwise on the unit itself.
ive taken it apart, kinda i dont know how to open the big squareish part(the top) or if im even supposed too, i took the impeller out and made sure it works, it works outside the water just not in it... also if i turn it right side up(the way id be in the tank) sometimes it cuts out :(

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