My Porcelen Crab Molted Today!!!


New Member
Feb 9, 2005
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Bay Area, California
When I looking at my tank today I thought my Porcelen crab died because it was on it's back. So I called my wife over to let her know we might have to get another one. She said it's not dead it right here on the rock. So I was kinda confused. Then it hit crab just molted :D This was a first since I just started to stock my cycled tank with cleaners. WHEW!!! what a relief!
lol, i thought the same when my shrimp molted for the efirst time! I thought I had a ghost shrimp or something, lol. It was still perfectly detailed.

My porclein crab shedded the other day, but it shedded in peices (or something broke up the body)

its still cool seeing how they shed like that :D

Now you know what to expect, dont get scared next time!
:lol: Hahaha yeah it was a big relief. When I removed the discarded shell it was in perfect condition! Looks pretty cool. How often do they molt? Well I will be looking out for my cleaner shripm too.
Its my understanding that crabs etc molt periodically when they outgrow there previous body. We have been covering it in my uni course lately. Its quite interesting really. They inhale as much water and oxygeb as they can to "puff" themselves up so when there exoskeleton hardens it is as big as they can make it...LOL :flex:
it is often so they can grow, but when they are fully grown they do it to maintain there bodies.

Also its not that they inhale water, but more that they pump it into the tissues in much the same way an anemony does.
thats sweet :> Another little thing, some crabs like to munch on their cast off shells for a bit...a bit of a calcium supplement. I would not leave it in for ever, but a day or two IME works nicely.
I find my porclian crab eating my hermit crab exoskeleton. he goes off, rounds them up, takes them back to his home (which is snuggled beneath a blanket of mushrooms) and munches on them. Quite amusing to watch

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