Hey i just thought id sgare a story with u about my double tail betta. It all started when i was in the local pet shop and they usually all have veiltails in relly bad conditon then i saw it. i saw a double tail pink betta. for only 10 austrailian dollars!!!!!! and i had seen a ugly double tail the day before for 55AUD!!! so oviously i bought it and along with it came a 18 inch full set up or in other words 8 gallons. he was relly happy and then i had to take my tank skool becuz i did an oral on fish(which went well by the way) and it broke when i got to skool . I had put betta bob in an spare plastic guppy breeder which was about 1 gal. and let stick to the side of my 3 foot. well i came home after skool and he seemed fine. then i woke up this morning and he was still happy. i just came home now and i found him at the bottom of my 3 foot dead and all ripped up i just thought id share my little story and ill post some pics of him that i took a week ago of him in his 8 gal