My poor little betta:(


Fish Gatherer
Jun 1, 2004
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Yesterday it was swimming about ,flaring at others,today all it has is stubble,somethings had ago at it ,could have been 1 of five fish,so i just caught all five and moved them to another tank,while I was catching them ,my betta was playing with my fingers,its the most friendly fish I've seen,it never swims away from me.

Will it fins grow back ,is there anything I can put in the water to help it?
Which fins had the nibble?

Two of my males somehow got over my divider in my 10g tank and the smaller one took a huge beating. He was missing his whole tail. Its been about a month and its pretty much all grown back.

All fins grow back. I would take your fish and put him in a different tank, or container. If you have beanie cases or even a fairly large pickle jar put some melafix i think it's called, or another type of fin-rot medicine, in the container and leave him there for a bit. Just in case he gets nipped at again
I agree with Murdoc, I'd move him to another container. You can buy a 1g Kritter Keeper for cheap.

The most important thing is water changes. I'd do 100% changes each day, or at least every other day. I'd use Stress-coat (which is also a de-chlorinater) and a small pinch of aquarium salt.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of Melafix. I know some members use it, but I've heard from people here that won't use it on a betta. Bettamax is great if you can find it.

Other than that, I don't think I would medicate with anything. There's really no need to if you keep the water clean.

Good luck, Cat. :thumbs:
poor baby!

i always used bettafix and it works great. some fish heal faster than others, but they all do heal!

good luck!! ;)

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