My poor Fishy!


New Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Washington state
I've heard that you can put your bettas in a community tank as long as there are no other male bettas or fish with big flowing fins, cause I guess they get confused and might attack them. Well I have a tank with 5 danios and 6 neon tetras in it and I put a female betta in with them. Well, I had to take my female betta out because all of my little fish srarted picking on her. They were charging at her and nipping at her. And she just sat there taking it. I had heard that danios and tetras were friendly so I thought she would be o.k. Well like I said I had to take her out so she wouldn't get hurt. If these fish arn't good to have with a betta can someone tell me what types of fish would be good? :no:
would they be 5 zebra danio? i have had bad experiences with them in the past
the neons apparently eat other fish if the other fish look ill they are related to pirahna so ive been told.
as for good fish i would suggest a... umm well it depends on the size of the tank the females dont tend to be agressive toward long finned fish thats normally the male. i would sugest a dwarf gourami just to be on the safe sidetho allot depends on the tempriment of the fish and the size of the tank.
Thank you Jamnoq, for the information. They are zebra danios. I only have a 5 gallon tank, so I'm not going to try to put any more fish in there. But when I get a bigger tank I would like to be able to put a betta in with some fish that won't be mean to it. I'll keep in mind the dwarf gourami you suggested. Thanks! ;)
I would have thought that it was purely the small size of your tank. I had a betta in a 20 gal with neons, penguin tetras, platys and catfish, and although they kept 'investigating' his fins at first, after a couple of weeks he ruled the roost (apart from the catfish). The tank was heavily planted, which breaks up the line of sight and would let your fish all live happier together :D
I only have a 5 gallon tank, so I'm not going to try to put any more fish in there
That's the best idea yet. With 5 danios and 6 neons you allready have more than enough in your tank. It is possible to keep female bettas in community tanks, but the tank has to be big enough to ensure that each and every fish has it's own hidey place should the need occur.
ya know, danios do tend to nip fins... but I have 4 in with my 5 female bettas in a 10gal, and after a week or two of the newest added betta, they leave her alone. I dunno, maybe you should upgrade your tank size to at least a 10gal, then try again? Maybe even try 2 females and see if the larger tank size and double presence of betta keeps the danios and tetras in check. Plants, caves etc are a good idea too. Cause I kno your betta will be happier in a nice big tank. :) Good luck and hope maybe I gave some ok advice~ :/ :thumbs:

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