My poor cat!


Fish Guru
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
My 2 cats were snoozing today and I got this shot..

The cat on top is thinking, “This is comfy!”........The cat on bottom is thinking, “Help me!!”. :rofl:
We had two cats a 8 year old large tom cat and our tiny 18 year old female black cat. When he was younger he liked to stalk her or ambush her jumping on top of her and knocking her down and then running away. He is now at my daughters. They were both rescues.
My cat just hates any other cats... she acts like a princess but tries to murder any cats in her territory :rofl:
We got mine as a kitten from my aunt. She's so good with kids. Twins boys have gently tormented her for 8 years with only one or two scratches
We got mine as a kitten from my aunt. She's so good with kids. Twins boys have gently tormented her for 8 years with only one or two scratches
She's also the only cat that weve had who hasn't been eaten by coyotes, Bobcats, cougars, or owls. (Probably because she has skunk coloring...)
Mine is lazy and never do anything other than sleep. This is my rescued cat she get along with ducklings well too! Shes’s hugging the duck.


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