My poor cat


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
I came in the house to see my cat sitting there with a big orange cap stuck to her side and mounds of tar sticky crap.

The bug stick had fallen off the ceiling in the laundry room and she must have walked by it and it stuck to her and she flipped out.

This stuff is highly toxic and it's not the normal swirly bug stick. It's like mega bug stick. Nothing would take it out and I was afraid she was going to get sick, I didn't know if she had licked at it and it was around here butt.

The thing said use paint thinner... I don't have that and you can't exactly put paint thinner on a cats butt. We washed and washed so we finally started cutting. She moved a couple time so we knicked her skin. We couldn't get it all off because we couldn't tell where her fur ended and her skin began. My mom finally got it out with dishwashing soap but now we have one really wet, really ugly cat with one bad bad hair do.


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Poor Kittie, She looks freaking scary, hope she feels better soon. Clean your house Jen I told ya, and get some freaking screens. :rolleyes: :lol:
Hi Auratus :)

Awwww. Poor little kitty! :(

I hope she didn't ingest much of the poison. How is she now? Did you call the poison control center for information and advice? :dunno:
cat's probably cussing you out the entire time. lol....i can just imagine if animals could talk....we'd all be in trouble!

hope ur cat comes out ok.....i agree with the idea to call the poison people....just to be on the safe side.... :thumbs:
Awwwww, Hope she gets better.
poor kitty :( i hope she will be okay. her fur will grow back eventually but i hope the poison doesn't have any effects on her. :/
Boy, the poor kitty went through quite the ordeal! I hope she doesn't get sick. And the hair will grow back. Wow, that is just one of those things you would never imagine happening!
if it ever happens again, or for anybody's info, if anything ever says to take it out w/ paint thinner, see if you can find some nail polish remover. It might take more of that than the paint thinner, but it will still work.
Awwwww, poor kitty.

The same thing happened to my sister once. We always had fly strips hanging in the barn and she managed to walk into/through one once. I wasn't home when it happened, but I heard that it was rather unpleasant :sick: :crazy: For some reason, I think my mom may have used peanut butter to help get it out - or perhaps I heard to use peanut butter to help get something else out...can't remember for sure.

aka Married Lizard

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