my plecos


Fish Crazy
Jun 1, 2004
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I've probly asked this b4, but I've got two apparently bristle nose plecos, 2 1/2" long. If they're bristlenoses, how big do they get, they seem to have stopped growing. Is that the size a bristlenose gets to? Should they have their bristles alread? If they're not bristles (they look like pictures in books) then what else could they be. What else looks like them and might stop growing at the size they're at.

I've also got a pleco which grows to 1 foot atleast (there was big one at lfs). It's sposed to be Red spot. Do they get aggressive? He was chasing my bristlenose? It's about 4" long not inc tail.

Thanks to anyone that can help :D
off the top of my head, don't recall when bristles should become more evident, but do keep in mind that if they are females, you really wont' see much in the way of bristles

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