My Pleco Is A Bully Lol


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
hastings,east sussex
hi there i have 2 plecs a red spotted one and a golden nugget one the problem is that i put the red one in first then the golden one but the golden one seems to bully him aswell as other fish lol he is slighty bigger thn the rest of the aquarium and other plec is this normal ??? can i prevent it???
hi there i have 2 plecs a red spotted one and a golden nugget one the problem is that i put the red one in first then the golden one but the golden one seems to bully him aswell as other fish lol he is slighty bigger thn the rest of the aquarium and other plec is this normal ??? can i prevent it???

Gold nugget plecs are documented as being territorial toward plecs and other plec looking fish. Would be worth returning the other, unless someone has a different approach?
thats a shame as these two fish are nice fish i would have liked to keep them so if anyone has any ideas or tips please let me hear them thank you otherwise its back to the petshop with one :(
How big is the tank?

Are there plenty of hiding places?

I have a Gold Nugget in with a Bristle Nose and they ignore one another completely.
22 gallons and theres 1 rock the golden pleco has claimed he can go inside and i have 3 rocks 2 on tank floor and 1 on top to make a tunnel kind of thing
The simple answer is that 22 gallons is far too small for either plecs. They will get terratorial if they dont have enough room and 22gallons is not going to house your gold nugget if it is the species that gets to 12".

I suggest you return both the plecs unless your other one is a "dwarf" species (4" or less).

ok thanks for your advice weather the woman will take the plecs bk i dont know as she sed i had an ok tank for them but obviously not would it be possible to keep one even ?
You could possibly keep one Bristlenose Pleco, but read up some on it.

FYI - All plecs are aggressive towards each other, not just gold nugggets to others, but have a big enough tank and they're territories won't clash.

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