My Plec


Fish Addict
Apr 14, 2004
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I have been caring for my Plec for 2 days now and he isn't shy at all. I know that many tend to be shy and hide away in dark places within the tank.

Aswell as this my filter was looking grubby due to it not being cleaned out within a few weeks, and when I went back a few hours later the filter was clean.

I think shyness varies on the type and size of plec. For example, I don't think commons and gibbys are very shy or bristlenoses. Where as the smaller types can be quite shy if kept alone. I never saw one of my plecs properly for a month after I got it.

They are also highly nocturnal. I only see my plecs properly (not just see them under something) at feeding time during the day but at night they are out and about and sometimes stuck to the glass.


I want to get more, maybe a L066 and start breeding zebras in a few months.

I am glad you like your plec so much. They are great fish. :)
You are so lucky to have a brave plec! Enjoy watching him - they really do add so much to the aquarium (and I don't just mean poop).

We might have to update our filtration system soon as the waste that comes from the common plec is enormous.

Mine is a common and is currently 2" in length, I have heard they can grow between 10 to 24 inches is this true?
Fishkeeper2004 said:
We might have to update our filtration system soon as the waste that comes from the common plec is enormous.

Mine is a common and is currently 2" in length, I have heard they can grow between 10 to 24 inches is this true?
That is true, they can reach 12" and will usually reach up to 16-18" and maybe even 24" and they produce alot of waste so you need a powerful external filter.
They will easily pass 12 inches. Probably reach 18 inches no problems
Mine took longer than that. Minw was half an inch when I got him and 10 inches after 6 months. I have taken him back now as he attacked my Eel and chased the other fish
The common plec that I had before lived for around 4 years, which is well below the life span they should have. :-(

However, he did not attack, chase, or harrass any of my fish and the plec was around 11" when he just disappeared and never came back. We never found the body, probably decaded in his wood home within that tank.
I love :wub: my Pleco Durge,he is such a great fish. It saddened me deeply to find out he had ick. :( Put he is well on the road to recovery ;) He loves to hide in the Roman Column set up I`ve got.

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