My Planted Tank


New Member
Sep 3, 2006
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Hi everyone. My name is Luke and I just signed up to this forum. I have been keeping fish for around 5 years or so but have only become really interested in them over the last year. I own a couple of tanks housing South American cichlids, catfish and tetra's and I have a planted tank also that I have been getting into over the last 6 months or so.

I was wonding if I could get some tips or comments regarding my tank and how I could improve the look of it. My dimensions are two foot long, one and a half foot high and one and a half foot deep.I have 98 watts of light over this tank and I fertilize using flourish and flourish e+cel.

Thanks alot.



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well to start it looks really nice.

i like the color contrasts and those java fern are stunning.

Are you dosing co2? co2 will help speed up your plant growth and make them nicer. its like playing god but not so much with the whole bible thing.

if you know, how about you start with your specs? nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, blah blah blah.

what fish do you have in it?

do you know what species of plants you have?

whats your substrate? from the pic looks like black gravel.

Sorry for asking so many questions but the more we know, the more you'll get to know. :D

and welcome:D
Welcome Lucas!

great looking tank pal! A top up would make an instant difference! Does you red eye tetra not nip at your Angel?

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