Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Thought i'd share some pics of my newly planted 15 Gal tank.
The tank only has 1wpg so i just got easy grow plants like:
Amazon Swords
Elgeria Densa
i have some Xmas Moss coming which i intend to attach to my rock
Let me know what you think
Stocking is:
4 Betta Falx
1 Bulldog Pleco
I am debating whether to add my Copeland Tetra (11 of them) any thoughts
The tank only has 1wpg so i just got easy grow plants like:
Amazon Swords
Elgeria Densa
i have some Xmas Moss coming which i intend to attach to my rock
Let me know what you think
Stocking is:
4 Betta Falx
1 Bulldog Pleco
I am debating whether to add my Copeland Tetra (11 of them) any thoughts