My PH has gone down


New Member
Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Hi all,

Tank is 8 months old and the PH used to be very high (went off the scale i had) but has gone down when i tested today to 7.

What caused it to go down ? Is it the bogwood i have had in there ?

I also have a small quaratine tank which has no bogwood in and that has the very high PH that my big tank used to have. Does this mean that the fish will be harmed atall when i put them in the small high PH tank and then on to the neutral PH big tank ?


Bog/Mopani wood will bring down your PH but not suddenly unless you have just added it. A stable PH is more important than the correct PH for a fish, so yes moving fish between the two tanks could harm them but others will have more experience than me on that one. What fish, plants and equipment do you use? Do you have a CO2 system, do you run an airpump?

When you transfer the fish between tanks you'll need to take a long time and very slowly add the water to the bag to slowly get them used to the different pH.
How often do you do water changes, and how much each time?
Have you ever measured the KH of your water?

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