My Peppered Corys Have Spawned!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2006
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I've only had my peppered corys for about 2 weeks. They are very small, so I assumed they were still juvies. However, today I did a water change, went out for lunch, came home and found 14 little eggs stuck all over the walls of my tank! I don't have another tank to put them in, and my breeding net has a molly fry in it. The only other fish in the tank is a pregnant molly and the 4 corys. Guess I will just have to see what happens and if they get eaten or make it.
Congratulations on your first Cory spawn. I wouldn't get too disheartened if the first batch don't make it through, most Cory species (including peppered) are generally prolific spawners, and after a few months you should expect a spawn at least every 2 weeks.

My best advice to you would be to setup a breeding tank. Raising Cory fry in a breeding net/trap is rarely successful, and for the small investment of buying a small rearing tank, you will be able to raise generations of young. :)

Hope this advice helps you,
Well, someone in the tank had a snack of my cory's eggs. None left in the tank anywhere. I'm actually kind of relieved. We are leaving in 3 weeks for vacation and having a batch of baby corys right now would not be a good thing.

At least I know they can do it and what the eggs look like. Maybe next time we'll be more lucky. Unfortunately, the corys are in what was planned to be the breeding tank. I have a pregnant molly in there now, as well as a molly fry. Never thought that the corys would be reproducing this soon. Right now I can't afford to buy another tank or my husband would probably kill me. He just about bit my head off for buying 2 small heaters for my bettas so they don't freeze to death.
Congratulations on your first Cory spawn. I wouldn't get too disheartened if the first batch don't make it through, most Cory species (including peppered) are generally prolific spawners, and after a few months you should expect a spawn at least every 2 weeks.

My best advice to you would be to setup a breeding tank. Raising Cory fry in a breeding net/trap is rarely successful, and for the small investment of buying a small rearing tank, you will be able to raise generations of young. :)

Hope this advice helps you,
Congratulations on your first Cory spawn. I wouldn't get too disheartened if the first batch don't make it through, most Cory species (including peppered) are generally prolific spawners, and after a few months you should expect a spawn at least every 2 weeks.

My best advice to you would be to setup a breeding tank. Raising Cory fry in a breeding net/trap is rarely successful, and for the small investment of buying a small rearing tank, you will be able to raise generations of young. :)

Hope this advice helps you,
I could use some advice also and it seems to go along with this info. I'm new on this site and have one cory fry that survived hatching and is now 12 days old. I had a total of three which hatched but lost 2 of them to a sudden ammonia spike when they were one week old. I had no idea that it could spike that quickly and really felt terrible about my babies. I cleaned the tank, a 5 gallon with about 6 inches of water in it which I took from the parents tank. I had a disposable filter which I covered in netting so that the impossibly tiny fry wouldn't get caught and injured. Also had an airstone/heater and thermometer, temp stayed about75 F. I did 40-50% water changes daily and the fry seemed to be doing well but I came home and found 2 of them dead one evening. I checked my water and discovered the ammonia. I was very surprised to find this little guy still swimming.
Anyway, I completely emptied the water, scrubbed the tank and changed out the gravel and water with more from the main tank. It checked fine so I put my baby back in. 2 days later I started spiking ammonia again.
I've finally given up and put him in a net breeder in the main tank with the airstone near his little home. I'm checking the tank daily right now and Ph is 7.2, nitrate is <10, no ammonia or nitrite. He's been in there for 3 days now and seems to be ok although he is so small. I don't know what size he should be at 10 days but it helped tremendously to see the photo's of the 2 week cory's on this site.
I'm just not sure the best way to raise him while so small. Any advice given will be appreciated. I'm feeding him about 3 x day with either liquifry or frozen baby brine. The problem is they both have a tendancy to filter out of the net into the tank. My other fish love it Thanks.

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