I love PW corgis. I had a male (Toby) for 12 years who died of old age and a female (Jessie) who died aged 13 after a suspected snake bite. She would have lived a lot longer.
Pembrokes have to be one of my favorite breeds. I've wanted one for years! I just think they have the cutest little rear ends. I don't mean to sound like a sicko, but if you've ever seen one walking, and seen it from behind, they just have the cutests little bums. There's something comical about it.
k3vin2k3, does he have a name ? He is lovely indeed
MAM, I know what you mean ! I'm not a small dog person, but yes Corgi's just have the cutest bums !
Your dog looks JUST like my friends dog, who sadly passed away last winter, poor old thing got his head stuck in a chip bag that fell on the floor and suffocated... I love corgis, beautiful dog you have there.