Before all, I should say I'm really a novice at fish care, so you would excuse me for my possible mistakes
My brother has recently got a pair of Parrot-fish; after passing of an approximate 4 years the last time he had some fish (Not parrots, this is his first time having parrots and he's so concerned about taking care of them). Now, he's got some, or better to say that "ToO much" questions about this little lovely fish.
Since the day he decided to get these fish, he was worried about keeping them in a good and ideal environment. Here are the questions; Sorry if answer to these questions could be found in another post and I have posted them here again, or even if this section of the forum is not the appropriate place to discuss about... However, the questions are:
- Water temperature for parrots
- The reason parrots became pale after taking them home
- Are parrots born to a flowerhorn and a parrot* sterile?
- We separated them because the male parrot pecks the female. How long would it take for them to reach to their former condition in the store?
- Should there be any bowl or sth for them to hide or spawn? (I've heard they're shy
- Which food do you recommend for them? They eat a food I got, called: "Energy" hardly, but about frozen worms it's better.
*This fish is generally called parrot in here and is divided to "Flowerhorn, Midas, Texas,and some others. I don't know what that general parrot can refer to... Maybe it's a red parrot.
Thank you all guys for taking time and reading my questions. Big thanks in advance.