My Parrot Cichlid!


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Monterrey, Mexico
My favorite and most adored fish is sick! It looks so bad i think it wont last long if i dont do anything. :no: What can i do? It currently has blackness on its fins and is really depressed... it stays at the bottom of the tank (and berely breaths) all the time except when it eats... and when it does come out, it swims somewhat akwardly... a liitle crooked.
hmm well it lays at the bottom of the aquarium and does not move... it berely moves its gills. Its fins look stained with black, starting at the end... i heard it is a parrot fish only sickness, and it is said that it shows stress.
Unfortunately, things don't sound very good. Since the black started at the edges of his fins, i would guess it is a bacterial infection. If you have any antibacterial meds you can try them, but i honestly don't hold out much hope for him.

In the future, when you first see something going wrong, it is alot easier to treat a fish at the beginning rather than at the end.
no it cant possibly die! the fins are not ALL black, they have only the edges black and it has happened before and it dissapeared by itself... if it wasnt going to die what?
Its not so much the black fins, but more his behavior that is showing how poor shape he is in. He is barely breathing, barely moving, swims at an angle, and laying on the bottom. These are behaviors of a dying fish.
Water test results would help in a situation like this. If this is the fish in the 10 gallon in your sig, that is the biggest problem.
Would agree with Tolak.

Black markings are normally a sign of stress with Parrot's - can be down to water quality, tank mates, tank size.
Good news my parrot is up and running! The black spots have been reduced drastically and it is swimming.... talking about quick recoveries! I will still keep a close eye on him and buy medication for the future. thanks guys for your fantastic help! :D
Black spots are natural, they will show up when the fish is very stressed out, or ill. Also when they get older, the full size adults may develope perminant dark spots or blotches over their bodies.

Im very glad to hear that your parrot is well again, but i recommend you keep a very close eye on him.

And get him into your 30g. A 10g is way to small to house a parrot fish, he will ultimately outgrow it and begin to kill off the other fish in his tank to make room, and even then he will become very ill if he doesn't have enough room.

Try this... It smells funny but its a pellet food and it works.

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