My Own Private Fish World

well last night got the rest of my wood for the 140g and the 300g






made sure to check on the fishes see how they was doin and they seemed good still the water was cloudy due to a seachem clarity treatment

this morning the tank looked like this

got my toppers delivered this morning now time to power up the heaters and should be ready to populate by tomorrow morning
Good day all, well I spent yesterday afternoon till early morning doing some tank work here

First I got a nice surprise in my electric blue johani 2 of my females are holding, even better when I fed the tank these little gaffers came out, four of them in total


I decided that my corner 45g would become my dwarf snakehead tank



I rehomed all my juvi and fry that I was growing out in the 45 to the old adult green terror 75g


Decided that the existing 180g will become a focal tank for my zilli tilapia and it now looks like this


Decided that the existing 140g would stay where it is, added 2 ripsaw cats to the 3 front, 9 bleekeri, 1 senegal bichir, 2 raphael cats and 3 geophagus who were left behind after all the cats and iri sharks were moved. It now looks like this


if i remember this forum wont let me post more pics than this so ill do next half of post later
I think your tanks look great! Great looking fish as well :)
As for the "bad" thing you did. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Maybe you could try to find someone to take the aggressive fish off your hands? *shrugs* But hopefully in the big tank, they'll be ok enough to coexist since they have their own space. :good:
Can't wait to see more photos!
thanks for the comment

ok so here is part 2 no need to take a shower after having a bath moving these to the 300g

the styro container is 20 inches for reference, and let me say iri sharks are skitish in the tank never mind tryin to move them



these are the variety of cats I have been growing a group shot, i took individual shots as i put them in but for space contraints I wont post the pics


and this is a one foot net on its way to get a 15 inch fish, by the way did I tell you that pacus are really strong :shout: :crazy:


now since my 168g tall drilled sw is in the way I cant get a good full tank shot but here is 2 that I did get



the next 3 weeks are constant wc and watching of this 300g to make sure no water quality issues arise. This morning when I came in all seemed good, but, I am pretty sure that I will rehome the red zebra and never get them again lololol

since all of my tanks here are second hand there are some touch ups im gonna do such as painting the metal frames to look fresh and doing some touch up on the black plastic rim

today is friday so this weekend will comprise of quite a bit of tank work but I am hoping to have at least the 150g braced and filled if not the 180g drilled as well
No offense but, shouldnt you be busy cooking food?

:crazy: dang ya got me :crazy:

just kidding

after 30 years in the industry, I was offered the chance to take over this food spot located on a university campus, which by the way I tried 6 years earlier to get a place as a kiosk was closing down (only to get laughed at by aramark the corporate food nazis here who whold the university hostage to overpriced bad food) can we say brick wall.

so fast forward to last year I get offered an open door to set up a food concept in the very same university.

:good: :hey: :lol: immediate response by me is :wub: any thoughts on hesitating are :no:

so I get down to it :sly: and shut down my restaurant Fratelli's Caffe(5 yearsold) a full service italian bistro and my catering company A Joy to Serve(7 years old). And why would I shut down those businesses because it was the only right thing to do, sure I lose what I poured those years into, but, I gain a killer location that is less than taxing on my skills as a chef or my time as a person.

This all being said it enables me to run a profitable business having employees who do the work for most of the day and leaves me to pursue other business interests. I spend about 2 hours of the day doing the essentials of the food foundations such as my soups and sauces and then I let my staff put the blocks together. The menu being aimed at a university crowd who is always rushed and short on funds revolves around soup, salad, wraps and a couple of other things which ensures a great amount of liberty to pursue other interests such as my fish company which we started most recently. Now my staff by the way has paid for medical dental benefits for which they pay nothing, they eat whatever they want for free and they need not ever fear the whip of the task master persay I try to be a good boss.

And what a better location to do a showroom of what can be done but a university restaurant where I have the liberty to do what I am doing. Already the word of mouth about this place is traveling through regina and has landed me the contract to do the museum fish tank which is actually work in fact for her magesty the queen which my contract says which to me is no small honour.

Being in the university also allows me to get ready for my future catering hall that i am building which will be in the form of a public aquarium with tanks that are very very very very huge and will be open to public viewing for a small entry fee and of course with food available at the concession. But, also where it closes in evenings and then operates as a catering conference facility open to private bookings.

So you can see indeed it may appear that I am not cooking BUT BABY I AM COOKING :hey: :sly:
ok so we did a road trip this weekend and the plan has changed for the finish of the restuarant but in a very good way

I been tryin to put together a deal on a never used 300g 10 foot tank and we drove to the guys farm and got this tank


but the real surprise came when we went into his fish breeding room where he focuses on angels about 20 different kinds, cory cats, some african, and platties

my jaw droped when I saw this


420g of pure craziness we cut the deal fish included SCHWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET

Then the best of the best happened, he actually wants very much to get out of fish breeding and we just started our fish company so we brokered a deal

I brought back one of the pair of angels



and a catfish which I have never seen before but now he lives in the 300g


the mission this week is to get the backs of some of the tanks painted black, touch up the steel frames so they dont look so banged up and get the 150g turned into a front colony
wow..i can't believe what you are doing, that is amazing. and your catering company idea sounds awesome...amazing fish..amazing food...omg what could be better.

oh and i know what you mean about aramark. they run my schools food :sick:, sometimes it's ok..but i tend to leave amazed at the blandness of some of the food, the constant supply of chicken, and the wonderful bloated feeling you get from even eating the smallest amount of their food.
however there is a quiznos below our cafe, they have worked it out with the school that weekdays from 11-2 students can use their meal plan to get a sub, soda, and chips. lots of people do this regularly. I don't know if you already have something worked out but it would probably give you a huge boost if you did. students like me who have no money, can then use their meals (14 meals a work or something), instead of their very limited cash. i know i never use cash for food.

just a thought!
good luck with everything, CAN NOT WAIT to see the finished product.
I thought I would add a short update on this thread

my 150g front tank



will have to take some time organizing my other pics will update this weekend
wowzers!! :hyper: awesome tanks with some stunning fish.

You have beautiful children too, & the artwork is gorgeous.

I hope you have huge success with your venture, its somewhere I would definately come to eat. Good luck, looks like you are having tons of fun :good:
so I was thinking I would post some pics I took of my fish the other day

my mated pair of bleekeri small spots hiding but macro shots got them anyways

one of my channa who always stares at me so I took his pic

my mated pair of red terror


one of my fish who changes her colors constantly

a shot I thought was interesting that I took of my home grow out tank

as it comes to mind I will post other pics here as well sort of branch out beyone the restaurant and just show my whole fish world

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