My Own Private Fish World


Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2009
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well as you can tell from my screen name im a chef and we own a restaurant located in the university of regina , regina, saskatchewan canada.

it rocks :good: mainly because it gives me much free time to do things like this even further ill post a few pics for you why i love my restaurant


as you come up to it

just to the left of the door 55g electric blue johani , 75g frontosa colony, 45g corner grow out flitter tank

100g community tank 2 species jewels, a few assorted african and grown macaw

an empty space that was filled with this

140g catfish tank

the space where another 100g is gonna go on a desk i just got and the back wall where i will do a string 30g 20g 10g 10g 20g 30g

180g and 75g which finish off the dining room

my personal tank in my office in the back of the room which holds this fish

bonita my zebra tilapia

when i get time ill try to take some close up pics of the tanks
Okay, what will you be doing with the Pangasius once they begin to outgrow their tank? Welcome to the forums!
Welcome to the forum - and oh my goodness - what a lot of tanks!!

I wonder, is this going to be a permanent part of the building? Reason I ask is it is fantasic to see all those tanks, but it could be - as we say in the U.K. "Tarted up" a bit.

Have the tanks been donated over time, or bought second hand? Coz they are such expensive things to buy. Its just a shame that they are all different.

I wonder it the randomness of the looks of the tanks might prevent people coming to eat there. You could draw in huge crowds if you made it all a bit more business like. Build a strong (and I mean strong) platform that stretches the length of where the tanks currently are, and place the tanks all on the platform. Then box in the bottom with cupboards for access and storage. It would hide all of the things like filters and pipes that can look a bit out of place in a restaurent.

It would look SSOOOO amazing if the tank cabinets were not there. They are a bit of a distraction.

sorry if it sounds like I dont like what you have. I DO!! Just could be even better.
Hi chefjamesscott :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Your restaurant looks like a wonderful place to eat. I love fish and soup. The mix of different size tanks, furniture and art looks great. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I've cut some inappropriate posts out of your thread and hope this makes your introduction to the forum go more smoothly. We are usually friendly folks around here. :D
Wow lots of tanks and fish!! Looks like a mini aquarium where you can eat. It would be awesome if the resteraunt would have a fish theme. The place looks great though and lots of things to watch. Great job.

Also wonder who does all the tank
If I were you I would take out all the tanks and get a HUGE custom made tank that runs the length of a wall or two, it would look amazing! :drool:
Well, since "inappropriate" comments got cut... I don't see you offering a solution for when those pangasius outgrow that 140 gallon tank... Mind offering an explanation of your future plans for them?
welcome to the forum!
It all looks cool!
Right thats it with the niceties, now for what i want.
close ups of the frontosa's................please,,please.. PLEASE :hyper:
nATH1 :good:

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